OMG. I am, like, so embarrassed.
You see, this here is the Idioteque jacket by Secret Squirrel. And seeing as I didn't know what Idioteque meant I googled it, thinking that it was some obscure word I could use to inspire this post. Instead, it is the eighth track on Radiohead's 2000 album Kid A. I am so uncool.
But thank goodness for the internet. Because one of the people who uploaded the Idioteque track onto YouTube goes by the name CommunistNihlist. That so doesn't make sense. Ha! I don't care if that person happens to be a 12 year old who hasn't gotten around to reading Brave New World and 1984 yet. I am not that lame. No. I am not.
Anyway, great jacket. Thank you Secret Squirrel.
Pop in store to see the back. It is amazing.
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